My MBA journey: lessons, challenges and new friendships

A few years ago, I was at a stage where I started considering enrolling in an MBA program. To be more specific, this was in 2021. However, another significant event was coming at that time – I would become a father for the first time!


Therefore, I decided to postpone my MBA journey to focus on my family. Becoming a father would be a big challenge for me, mostly because I knew that many sleepless nights were coming.


Indeed, my beautiful daughter Iris arrived in October 2021. While I could write about it a lot, this post is dedicated to my MBA, so let me get back on track.


Fast forward to March 2023, and I started my MBA journey! (I can’t help but laugh at the irony – soon after enrolling, we discovered my wife was pregnant again, so my plans became pretty much obsolete… :))


My first module was Self-Awareness and Personal Enlightenment, which was held in Zagreb. I loved the topic, as it is something that very much interests me. In the last few years, I spent a lot of time learning how to be more mindful and self-aware, so I was looking forward to this week.


Me excited in my first MBA module.


In this blog post, I want to talk about the people I met. Stories about individual modules will require separate writing sessions.


I still remember the opening ceremony. Around 80 people were in a big room. Everybody did their best to dress up properly—in a very professional way, as requested. We all scanned each other, and everyone had around 30 seconds to present themselves. Naturally, this was a very interesting moment, and I was impressed with the diverse expertise in the room, from expected roles like bankers, IT managers, and SW engineers to dentists, pharmacists, and insurance agents.


I remember thinking a lot about what to say in 30 sec, and in the end when I took the microphone, I said something completely different!


Here are some of the pictures (I have many more on my phone!)



Strategic marketing


Sales management


Group work during strategic management


Of course, we had a lot of fun also:


Famous night in Lafayette


Going to Mamma Mia musical



In Sarajevo for Lepa Brena concert


Final project team – Might Laundry team!

There are many more photos and memories, but I want to limit the post size.


When I write this (24th July 2024), I am a few months away from graduation, and I look forward to it! Together with the team, I am working on our final exam thesis (we are in the stage of writing the business plan for our Might Laundry app), and it’s all very exciting.


Even though I have still not finished it, I am already grateful for this experience because I learned so much and met so many great people. In addition, it forced me to leave my comfort zone and stretch in all aspects.


Once my studies are finished, I plan to edit this post accordingly!


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